G'day, I'm Mitchell.

Securer of Computers and Neutrons.

I spend a lot of time creating cool things

Read more about why
Mitchell Hewes
Automatically Generating Photo Box Galleries in Hugo

Automatically Generating Photo Box Galleries in Hugo

Because who doesn't like ordering a box of photos and spilling them all over a table?

Here's to You in the Next Year

Here's to You in the Next Year


Celestial Conversations

Celestial Conversations

Wherein I write about a dialogue with the sky.

A Wild Capybara Appears in Sao Paulo, Brazil

A Wild Capybara Appears in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Forró 4ever.

Freezing Layover in Zurich, Switzerland

Freezing Layover in Zurich, Switzerland

Grounded in Zürich after some bad weather but my heart's up in the clouds. Unexpected layovers lead to unexpected friendships—particularly when you'd rather be airborne—shoutout to my new seagull (snowgull?) mates!

A Reflection on Sydney Sands to Vienna Snows

A Reflection on Sydney Sands to Vienna Snows

Wherein I embrace life's unexpected turns.