Finding Family in Italia

Wherein I reflect on what family is.

Finding Family in Italia

In Italy, amidst the rolling hills and vibrant streets, I discovered something unexpected and profoundly touching—people who embraced me like family. Growing up, because of everyone going in different directions after a shared traumatic experience, I often felt a sense of distance from my own family, a subtle but persistent disconnect that left a void in my heart.

But in Italy, that void began to heal. The people I met there, with their open arms and generous hearts, showed me what it felt like to be part of a family. From shared meals under the stars on a boat, where laughter and stories flowed as freely as the local wine, to quiet moments of understanding and companionship between the early morning rises at Christmas, they filled my days with a sense of belonging. Each gesture, whether a comforting word in times of need or a shared joke, wove a tapestry of familial love that transcended blood ties.

This experience in Italy taught me that family isn’t just about the bonds we’re born into; it’s about the connections we forge through love, understanding, and shared humanity. It was a poignant reminder that sometimes, family is not absolute; it can be found in the most unexpected places, among people who start as strangers but soon become an integral part of our lives.

Snowy Christmas in Pavia, Italy
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Snowy Christmas in Pavia, Italy

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